Monthly Seminar on Physical Genomics
The Monthly Seminar on Physical Genomics features invited talks by cutting-edge scientists who share the latest research in diverse fields relevant to CPGE's mission.
Time: 12pm Central U.S. Time on the Last Friday of the Month
2025 Seminars
January 17, 2025: Special Seminar: Luay Almassalha, Northwestern University: "The physical encoding of transcriptional memories"
January 31, 2025: Job Dekker, University of Massachusetts
February 28, 2025: Andrew Stephens, University of Massachusetts
March 28, 2025: Lothar Schermelleh, Oxford University
April 18, 2025: Samantha Pattenden, University of North Carolina
May 30, 2025: Kristy Stengel, Einstein College of Medicine
June 27, 2025: Xi (Dawn) Chen, Northwestern University
July 25, 2025: TBD
August 29, 2025: Travis Craddock, University of Waterloo
September 26, 2025: TBD
October 31, 2025: Luisa Marcelino, Northwestern University
November 21, 2025: Wendy Bickmore, University of Edinburgh
2024 YouTube Seminar Archive
January 26, 2024: Anna Lappala, Harvard University - The X Factor: Unveiling the Secrets of the X-Chromosome with Data-Driven 3D Modeling
February 23, 2024: Erez Lieberman Aiden, Baylor College of Medicine - Fossils of Ancient Chromosomes
March 29, 2024: Pietro Berico, New York University - 3D Chromatin Rewiring During Melanoma Phenotypic Transition
April 19, 2024: Sydney Shaffer, University of Pennsylvania (canceled)
May 31, 2024: Steve Jacobsen, University of California, Los Angeles
June 28, 2024: Michael Elowitz, California Institute of Technology
July 26, 2024: John Sedivy, Brown University
August 30, 2024: Geeta Narlikar, University of California, San Francisco
September 27, 2024: Dave Thirumalai, University of Texas at Austin
October 25, 2024: William Greenleaf, Stanford
November 22, 2024: Jan Lammerding, Cornell University
2023 YouTube Seminar Archive
March 31, 2023: Chromatin and Nucleosome Density: How DNA Damage Response Alters Chromatin Dynamics
Susan Gasser, PhD - Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research
April 28, 2023: Abnormal Mechanics in Brain Tumors: Implications for Immunotherapy
Meenal Datta, PhD - University of Notre Dame
May 26, 2023: Alterations in Spatial Genome Compartmentalization Associated with Constriction and Expansion
Rachel Patton McCord, PhD - University of Tennessee
June 30, 2023: Probing Principles of Genome Organization and Function
Bas van Steensel, PhD - Netherlands Cancer Institute
July 28, 2023: Physical Genomics Training Program Research Showcase
August 25, 2023: Gene Structure Heterogeneity and Loop Extrusion Drive Transcriptional Noise in Human Cells
Nick Gilbert, PhD - University of Edinburgh
September 29, 2023: Genomics and Transcriptomics of Heart Disease
Igor Efimov, PhD - Northwestern University
October 27, 2023: Towards an Understanding of Chromatin Remodeler Function in Mammalian Development at Single-Cell Resolution
David Gorkin, PhD - Emory University
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