People at the Center for Chromatin NanoImaging in Cancer

Vadim Backman, PhD
Center Director, Administrative Core Director and Sachs Family Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Medicine
Dr. Backman serves as the Director of NU-CCNIC, and also directs the Administrative Core. In addition, he works with Dr. Zhang on the development of the optical nanoimaging and nanosensing technologies, and with Drs. Dravid and Katsaggelos on the development of the co-registration of images originated by the Nanoscale Chromatin Imaging and Analysis (Nano-ChIA) platform. Additionally, he will also leverage his expertise in experimental studies of chromatin structure–transcription interactions by working with Dr. Szleifer to further the computational modelling efforts of the Center.
Dr. Backman is the Sachs Family Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Medicine, Professor of Medicine (Hematology/Oncology) and Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics at the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University, Associate Director of Research Technology and Infrastructure and Program Leader in Cancer and Physical Sciences at the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center, and Director of the Center for Physical Genomics and Engineering.

Daniela Matei, MD
Research Test Bed Director and Diana Princess of Wales Professor of Cancer Research

Jayms Peterson, PhD
NU-CCNIC Center Administrator

Hao Zhang, PhD
Technology Development Director and Professor of Biomedical Engineering
modifications of chromatin over a wide range of length scales.
Key Personnel

Mazhar Adli, PhD
Co-Investigator and Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology
The Adli laboratory is focused on understanding the key drivers of cancer and identifying novel therapeutic drug combinations to prevent cancer development and chemotherapy resistance. To achieve these goals, the lab is using and developing genomic and epigenomic mapping, editing and imaging approaches to understand genome regulation in normal and malignant settings. The group integrates experimental approaches with large-scale computational data analysis to verify experimental observations and come up with new testable hypotheses.
The Adli laboratory is utilizing and also developing cutting-edge functional genomics strategies and developing novel CRISPR based manipulation tools to understand dynamic gene regulation and 3D genome organization in normal and malignant settings. These efforts are based on the group's previous expertise in genome-wide approaches and development of novel technologies for cancer research. The Adli lab has developed particular expertise in utilizing and developing CRISPR based technologies.
Vinayak Dravid, PhD
Co-Investigator and Abraham Harris Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
Vinayak P. Dravid is the Abraham Harris chaired Professor of Materials Science & Engineering. He is also the founding director of the NUANCE Center and the NSF Center for facilities and infrastructure, the SHyNE Resource. The NUANCE Center houses state-of-the-art atomic and nanoscale microscopy, characterization and instrumentation capabilities, which was selected as the Midwest node of the NSF National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure (NNCI) program. Professor Dravid has extensive experience in the development and applications of innovative “imaging and sensing” tools and techniques to problems in physical and life sciences.
Dravid has developed new facilities for cryo/bio-analytical and high spatial resolution electron, scanning probe and ion microscopy (EM/SPM/IM) for biological structures and hybrid bio-physical interfaces.

Aggelos Katsaggelos, PhD
Co-Investigator and Joseph Cummings Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Aggelos Katsaggelos, PhD is Professor and Joseph Cummings Chair in the ECE Department at Northwestern University. He also runs the Image and Video Processing Laboratory (IVPL), whose objective is to generate cutting-edge research results in the fields of multimedia signal processing, multimedia communications, and computer vision. IVPL works in a variety of problems (e.g., recovery, compression, segmentation, and speech and speaker recognition) and applications areas (e.g., medical, multi-spectral, and astronomical image processing). Dr. Katsaggelos is a Fellow of the IEEE (1998) and SPIE (2009), the co-inventor of seventeen international patents, the recipient of the IEEE Third Millennium Medal (2000), the IEEE Signal Processing Society Meritorious Service Award (2001), the IEEE Signal Processing Society Technical Achievement Award (2010), and co-author of several award-winning papers.

Igal Szleifer, PhD
Co-Investigator and Christina Enroth-Cugell Professor of Biomedical Engineering