Industry Partners
Partnerships with industry and start-up companies help propel the translation of technologies developed at CPGE to confer societal benefit.
Spreading New Knowledge, Technologies, and Innovations
The Center for Physical Genomics and Engineering develops and deploys nanoscale imaging and sensing technologies to carry out fundamental research, pursue biomedical innovation, and expand the frontiers of science through the dissemination of instruments, methods, and data to the scientific community. The Center has developed multiple strategies to ensure that Center technologies, new knowledge, and innovations are made broadly available to the research community in a timely fashion, and where appropriate, are translated into new tools for the benefit of society.
CPGE leverages organizational connections between institutions, industry and international collaborators.
Partnerships with industry and start-up companies help propel the translation of technologies developed at CPGE to confer societal benefit.
CPGE's international collaborators provide a conduit to scientific communities across the world.
The Center deploys a multipronged approach to dissemination of new knowledge that leverages cyberinfrastructure along with traditional routes for making connections and information sharing.
Regular events hosted at the center include: